1. How to get rid of rats?

After many years doing pest control in Sydney this is easily the most common question I get asked. If you have a rodent issue on your property or in your home, it is important you call a pro to help. However, there are many things YOU as a property can do to make rats less attracted to YOUR property without the help of an exterminator.

  • Remove all potential food sources such as bird feeders, green bins, garbage, apples on ground from apple trees, leftovers from last fall’s vegetable garden compost piles, pet food, etc.

  • Remove all debris from around your property. Wood and garbage piles make excellent harbourage sites for rodents and allow them the safety and security the need to multiply.

  • Rodents need only 3 things to survive: FOOD, WATER, & SHELTER without these they can not survive on your property.

2. I am seeing ants in the winter and early spring. What’s up with that?

It is quite common for us at Cape Breton Pest Control to start getting calls from homeowners starting in mid February about ants. Ants in the winter and early spring cause confusion and frustration for folks would do not understand why they are having ant activity while it is still so cold outside.  Unfortunately, ant activity during this time of year can be a serious concern as most times it turns out to be carpenter ants. Carpenter ants like to build nests in water damaged or decaying wood. The ants you are seeing scavenging for food in your kitchen are only the tip of the iceberg. About 80% of ants never leave the nest. The job of the 20% of ants that do leave the nest is to gather food for the queen, other workers, and larvae. 

If the nest site can be located, we can treat it directly and have the issue over with in a matter of hours. This however is not always the case. Carpenter ant nests are usually hidden behind walls which makes it hard to narrow down their exact location. Fortunately, we have several professional carpenter ant baits available to us (these are not your common hardware store ant traps). These baits require a little patience on the part of the homeowner but do a great job of eliminating carpenter ant colonies.

If you are seeing ants in your home best to bring in the pros!

3. How does your Home Protection Plan work and what pests does it cover?

Our HPP is a monthly exterior preventative service and inspection around your home and property to help identify and eliminate any potential pest issues. On the initial visit we will install exterior rodent stations to help control rats and mice and keep them from gaining access to your home. Our HPP is not only for rodents though, it includes insect control as well. Should you notice any ants, earwigs, spiders, or wasps around your home, decks, or pool areas we have you covered. Due to the nature of certain pests the home protection plan can not prevent against all pests. For example the HPP does not include control of bedbugs. These insects are mostly hitchhikers and do not gain access from outside. They are usually brought into the home by people, pets or infested items like furniture. Other wildlife such as raccoons and birds are also not included.